hello old friend.

Hello! Been a while, that’s for sure! I know, it’s never a great start to always have to be apologizing for being lazy and not posting often but to sum it up, we all have lives that get ahead of us every now and then… {insert nervous laughter} … and mainly it is also my…

Energy Granola Balls

Hi everyone! First and foremost I want to apologize for my absence. I have no excuse, I was just lazy and unmotivated. Today I want to write about these amazing energy granola balls that I made during my absence. They are incredible “pick-me-ups” for longs days, they are super easy to make, healthy, and help…

Mala Beads !!

Hadn’t had a chance to blog much because of work and I forgot to take photos of easter!!! oh nooo!! Hopefully, this will make up for it! SO I received an amazing surprise in the mail last night! My Mala Beads finally arrived ! Welcome: Patience Mala “Patience is the ultimate acceptance. You have released…

Tom Yum Soup!

Hey everyone! Yesterday I made Tom Yum soup for dinner! Disclaimer: it’s super spicy!! However, it was still really good, we paired it with brown rice and a nice kale salad. The soup can also be modified for those who are vegetarian and vegan! Recipe: 500ml Chicken Broth (or whatever fits your diet) 300ml Water…


It’s so exciting to see all of the amazing activity on E&W! Thank you so much to you all, check in whenever you please! I plan to update you all every day! With the road leading to culinary school, lots and lots of cooking and baking are coming your way! Keep checking in for recipes, food pictures,…

A Special Introduction

The start of my blog isn’t fully complete without acknowledging an incredible man who has been through a lot with me, who has supported me with my own wellness, including helping me through the hard decision to leave school, my amazing partner, my love, Connor.

Good morning~!

Today is a good day, I woke up with bedhead. I also woke up to extraordinary new find! Anyone ever heard of Mala necklaces? Neither had I until this morning! I found this amazing wedsite and I am dying to get my hands on some of the gorgeous pieces they have! Every morning my mom…


This is the excerpt for your very first post.